About Me




“But I do not account my life of any value, nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”
-Acts 20:24

My goals for Unveiled Media pale in comparison to knowing and loving Jesus. Indeed, “I count everything as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Philippians 3)

Life is short and full of great delight and deep pain. We all can sense that there has to be more to it than being “authentic” or whatever else we have heard will give us purpose. The Creator defines the purpose of his creation.

Have you seen this purpose? Has the veil been lifted from your eyes?

Technical Experience

I began computer programming and desktop computer assembly somewhere around 10 years old. My friend and I found the challenge enjoyable. Several years later we won a statewide computer programming contest. cool

As the internet dawned later in the 90s and 2000s, I tried my hand at HTML (the original way to make websites). As recently as 2008 I was making websites in hand-coded HTML for others.

Now I use WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS. It is incredibly flexible, it looks great, and it’s secure.

Take a look at some of my recent work.

I have professional IT experience as well. I have managed the helpdesk needs for an office of 100 employees and currently I serve as the web admin for this organization. I also have a fair bit of background knowledge in IT security from working with people living in security-sensitive situations.

Let’s chat about your web or tech needs, or the meaning of the universe and your purpose in it.

Let’s Work Together

Consultations are free. Your new site may be a game-changer.